Thursday, March 15, 2007

13 Things I Love and Hate About Spring.

1. It reached 82 yesterday. Felt so good to be warm.
2. My bulbs are all inching up out of the ground.
3. The magnolia tree is about to burst any day.
4. I have little petey pot flowers starting on the window.
5. The air smells like wet dirt, kind of good you know?
6. 50 days until Disney.
7. Open windows at night.
8. The damn geese are back honking.
9. The frickin mourning doves are who whooing..
10. Yard work, yuck.
11. Traffic moves faster at night cause its light out.
12. Everything moves faster in the springtime, even me.
13. Skating season will come to an end, yay cause I'm tired.


Anonymous said...

#5 and #7 are my favorites. I am sitting here watching flurries and wishing I could smell wet dirt!

Janet said...

That tree is so fricking gorgeous!!!