Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

Friday: Had a lovely dinner with Barbara after work at her DC apartment, lovely time on the balcony, good food, good crabby old lady conversation, hair down, ailments out, laughed our asses off, laughed at our fat asses. It was nice to have some time to say it all out loud, get it out of our systems and relax. Traffic home was great cause everybody left DC early.

Saturday: strawberry picking with friends, yard work, house work, yard work, made the best tuna cakes and macaroni salad supper. Filled up the dog pool, they had a blast.

Sunday: Did a beautiful hike in the Appalachians with my sister. Then had some quality time with my hammock. Debra took my mom home with her so I had a nice quiet afternoon/evening. Made Chinese food, extra for lunches. Watched a horrendous thunderstorm wreck my pool and flood everything.

Monday: After storm cleanup, then took mom shopping for drapery material, made a pair of drapes that I envy. They really came out great.

As for sleeping - it's been hard. Still waiting to hear about the job interview I had.


Anonymous said...

sounds like a great productive weekend!!!

Janet said...

That's what I like to see! A nice post! Glad you had fun with BTD!