Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Color Quiz

Free personality analysis of M.E..Generated on Tue Jan 23 12:56:39 2007.

M.E.'s Existing Situation
Insecure. Seeks roots, stability, emotional security, and an environment providing greater ease and fewer problems, but is either unwilling or unable to exert the effort. oh lawdy that's me
M.E.'s Stress Sources
An existing situation is unsatisfactory but she feels unable to change it without cooperation; the need for understanding, for affectionate give-and-take remains unfulfilled. This not only depresses her but makes her irritable and impatient, producing restlessness and the urge to get away from the situation, either actually or, at least, mentally. Ability to concentrate may suffer. what's your name again?
M.E.'s Restrained Characteristics
Trying to calm down and unwind after a period of over-agitation which has left her listless and devoid of energy. In need of peace and quiet; becomes irritable if this is denied him. Circumstances are such that she feels forced to compromise for the time being if she is to avoid being cut off from affection or from full participation. love meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
M.E.'s Desired Objective
Seeks the determination and elasticity of will necessary to establish herself and to make herself independent despite the difficulties of her situation. Wants to overcome opposition and achieve recognition. bull-headed much?
M.E.'s Actual Problem
Anxiety and restless dissatisfaction, either with circumstances or with unfulfilled emotional requirements, have produced stress. She tries to escape from these by denying their existence, concealing her dissatisfaction behind a proud but illusory claim to self-sufficiency and independence. I'm fine, really
M.E.'s Actual Problem #2
Works to strengthen her position and bolster her self-esteem by examining her own accomplishments (and those of others) with critical appraisal and scientific discrimination. Insists on having things clear-cut and unequivocal. I'll disagree here.


Janet said...

amazing how right on these are...mine was OMG !


Anonymous said...

she's a mess!

Laura said...