Thursday, April 19, 2007

13 Quirky Phobias

Janet, this is for you (and she'll think up 13 more guaranteed):

1. Men with fat fingers
2. Touching styrofoam peanuts
3. Touching cotton stuffed in aspirin bottles
4. Eating anything that looks like phlegm (oysters, etc.)
5. Eating anything that just basically looks weird
6. Driving manual transmissions - NOT EVER
7. People with unusually big heads
8. Sitting directly on grass
9. Swimming with living things
10. That space between the elevator and the floor when the doors open
11. Freaking if I'm late, even by a minute
12. Mispronunciations by others can make me nuts
13. Cracking your knuckles makes me barf

1 comment:

Janet said...

AHAHAHAHAH!!! No comment, other than my brother must've freaked you out, then!