Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday Fill Ins

1. The last time someone flirted with me I think I was in my 30s, he asked how my hair would look spread across his pillow, my husband almost killed him.
2. I am SO glad that in reality, life isn't as hard as I make it.
3. Where in the world is my eagle dancer?
4. Long weekends are the best.
5. Coming up next: weigh in tomorrow morning.
6. I adore cornfields (that's for you Megan).
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to having dinner with Barbara, tomorrow my plans include cleaning and Sunday, I want to give mom a nice birthday party, go to a singles dance with my sister and then a 2 yr old birthday party on Monday.


Janet said...

what about in your 40s in PA? Hmmm?

re: #2 - me, too!

#3 - I wish I knew, I'm forever looking for one for you!

#4 - Good luck! Don't forget my visualization technique!

LEA said...

Oh my heck ~ #1 cracked me up! I am looking for my silver wolf, so I will be on the look out for your eagle dancer too. :x)

Sounds like a great weekend you have planned! Watch out for those single dances...more flirting could happen! LOL