Thursday, March 01, 2007

13 Things I Do Each Day

1. Get up at 5 !@#$#% am.
2. Retrieve #2 dog, mix with #1 dog, watch their morning make out session and feed them.
3. Shower
5. Find out what the hell haven't I worn this week and slap it on.
6. Get briefcase (full of work I was really really really gonna do last night).
7. Repack the skate bag
8. Drive 270 which is just oh so wonderful
9. Feed the fish who lives on my desk
10. Read the blogs.
11. Open the old dreaded email.
13. Oh, and then work just a wee bit.


Janet said...

where do you retrieve the dog from?

here's mine:

1. wake up
2. blearily look around for Wolf, thinking if I don't make much noise he won't bark at me
3. first mistake of the day
4. wolf jumps up on the bed for a snuggle
5. if i have time, watch something that's been tivo'd
6. pee, let dogs out, brush teeth, let dogs in, shower
7. make coffee
8. dress
9. grab something for lunch, head to work
10. log on computer
11. check email
12. check blogs
13. same as you!

Anonymous said...

5am !! That's awesome. I'm trying to get myself back in the habit of getting up at 5:30.