Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday Fill Ins

1. The last time someone flirted with me I think I was in my 30s, he asked how my hair would look spread across his pillow, my husband almost killed him.
2. I am SO glad that in reality, life isn't as hard as I make it.
3. Where in the world is my eagle dancer?
4. Long weekends are the best.
5. Coming up next: weigh in tomorrow morning.
6. I adore cornfields (that's for you Megan).
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to having dinner with Barbara, tomorrow my plans include cleaning and Sunday, I want to give mom a nice birthday party, go to a singles dance with my sister and then a 2 yr old birthday party on Monday.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

How Comfortable Are You?

So I shared something with my friend today that I've been holding back for quite awhile about wanting another relationship with a guy type. She hadn't realized I took certain statements one way while she was actually talking to herself more than me. Why the hell did I wait so long to actually tell her. Her reply was quite wonderful, the epitome of what a true friend would say.

How comfortable are you sharing your sensitive self and your thoughts when it contradicts those you care about?

How uptight am I really for not talking about certain things?


Weight to Go

I started Jenny Craig on Sunday August 26. Weighed in at my all time high of 168.8. So far this week I have been down to the letter on the diet. About 80% on the exercise part. Two more days until my first weight in. I'm looking forward to it.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday Fill Ins

2. SUBURBAN best describes my neighborhood.
4. YES, RED LOBSTER ALRIGHT is my favorite place to eat that's close to home.
5. If there's one thing I'd change about my community, it would be STOP SELLING THE FARMS FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS.
6. The thing I miss most about the town (city/area/swamp) I grew up in is SITTING OUT ON A NEW YORK CITY STOOP ON A SUMMER NIGHT WITH ALL THE NEIGHBORS.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to HURRIEDLY CLEANING, tomorrow my plans include WELCOMING KURT AND JEN, LOOKING AT RECEPTION HALLS, MAKING MY COSTUME FOR CATS and Sunday, I want to GET TO THE LIBRARY!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Tagged by someone who knows better but does it anyway

4 things that should go into Room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth.
* Knuckle crackers
* Burkas
* War
* more than 4 people to a house

3 things people do that make you want to shake them violently
* self deprecate (that has NOTHING to do with toilet training)
* not flush (that DOES)
* feel like it's not a good movie unless they put 99 f-words in it per minute

2 things you find yourself moaning about
* Being overweight
* Not having sex (think it's related do ya?)

1 thing the above answers tell you about yourself
* I'm too honest in front of you strangers

5 people who will be annoyed you tagged them
* I unfortunately do not know 5 people who have not been tagged already


OMG what is up with cube noise?

One row behind me to my right is MR. SNORTLES, a young fellow who either: snorts coke, has a bad case of sleep apnea while napping at his desk, or really has atrocious allergies. Each afternoon around 2-ish the whale snorts start, I'm talking from the tips of his toes deep snorting folks. I'm thinking of taping it and putting out a nature CD "Sounds of the Scottish Walrus' Mating".

Across from me on my right and in front of Mr. Snortles is MS. HUMDINGER. A very young girl who hums songs she has no idea have actual melodies. It's a lovely high-pitched glass-etching sound. MS. HUMDINGER's first name is STOMPY. She has an extensive collection of stilleto heels and loves loves loves to STOMP her canal boats on the tile. Sounds like a horde of Mongolian ponies arriving late for dinner.

Somewhere on the other side of the floor lives MR. GUFFAW. I will find where he lives and joy buzzer him to death soon. He waits until its so quiet a nun will fall asleep (oops there goes MR. SNORTLES) and then lets out a single "HAW" loud enough to wake the dead (in Jamaica).

All I'm saying is it's a good thing I'm perfect.