Thursday, September 13, 2007

Messages with a meaning

So my favorite ghost-mom gives me a message yesterday (in the shower at the gym of all places) around 1pm. "Don't let him drive the car". Him? Him who? So I say her husband's name, no, it isn't George, her son's name, nope not Larry, there's only one other male name that I know in that family so I say Jack? No answer. Okay it was a faint message anyway, more of an aside really, so it wasn't a must deliver message. I figure okay, I'll go back to work and email MB and tell her to keep Jack out of the car for the day. There's a phone message from the place I dropped my car off that my tags expired two weeks ago. So I leave work, take the car to the express MVA place and my tags come up invalid. ????? I get sent off to the full service MVA (insert loud groaning here) and about 2 hours later I find out that when I bought my car LAST EFFING YEAR and the dealership transferred my tags from my old car to this one, they never filed the paperwork. I have been driving illegally for a full year. Now, my luck being bad luck, I could have been stuck for hundreds in fines. aaargh. So long story short, the car is now legal, but Betty, who is "him"?

Now, to add injury to insult, my boss was traveling and apparently calling me every minute and a half and I am now in the dog house this morning.

I shall endeavor to marry as soon as possible and let someone else handle car shit.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mixed Feelings

Okay I admit it, I'm Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde about blogging. I feel like I'm "using" this to only record accomplishments and not really tell the truth about the failures. You know what? So what!

So I started Jenny Craig 8/30. To date I'm down 8.4 lbs to 160.4 which I haven't seen in about 2 years. So the diet is going well.

Failure Warning: I'm smoking. 'nuff said.

I've gotten out my Suze Orman books again. My newest mantra "I will retire in 2020".

Looking forward to hosting my future daughter-in-law (not named Janet) and her mother the first weekend in October for girly wedding stuff.

Job is getting busier.

That's all that's in the old dome for now.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Ah Stuff

Okay, I've blown this post up twice, shall we try again?

Saturday: Rob came up for 24 hours since they finally pulled back into port, two weeks late since they had that terrible terrible loss of 3 pilots from the Truman. Our town has something called First Saturday where the stores stay open late and serve wine and cheese and there's street performers and such. It was such a beautiful night, we shopped and sampled (well they sampled, I had a diet soda). We bar hopped and it was fun. So Jenny Craig wise, I did great 5.8 lbs off! Supposedly though that's all water weight. But hey, I'll take it!

Sunday was Mom's birthday party which was great, I made the world's best chicken fingers, so they say, I couldn't eat any, and the requisite burgers and hot dogs. I also made them eat salad! I made a pretty salad in a huge triffle dish. Then Sunday night I met up with my sister and her friend and went to a singles dance. I had a blast learning this dance (which I have no clue what it is) it's like a cross between a square dance and a line dance. I even asked someone to cha cha, can I have my medal now please?

Monday was little Renee's 2nd birthday party. Then home to my ghetto pool. What a weekend. Here's a picture of why we can't have nice plants, or Queen of the Hostas:

who says summer is over:

Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday Fill Ins

1. The last time someone flirted with me I think I was in my 30s, he asked how my hair would look spread across his pillow, my husband almost killed him.
2. I am SO glad that in reality, life isn't as hard as I make it.
3. Where in the world is my eagle dancer?
4. Long weekends are the best.
5. Coming up next: weigh in tomorrow morning.
6. I adore cornfields (that's for you Megan).
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to having dinner with Barbara, tomorrow my plans include cleaning and Sunday, I want to give mom a nice birthday party, go to a singles dance with my sister and then a 2 yr old birthday party on Monday.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

How Comfortable Are You?

So I shared something with my friend today that I've been holding back for quite awhile about wanting another relationship with a guy type. She hadn't realized I took certain statements one way while she was actually talking to herself more than me. Why the hell did I wait so long to actually tell her. Her reply was quite wonderful, the epitome of what a true friend would say.

How comfortable are you sharing your sensitive self and your thoughts when it contradicts those you care about?

How uptight am I really for not talking about certain things?


Weight to Go

I started Jenny Craig on Sunday August 26. Weighed in at my all time high of 168.8. So far this week I have been down to the letter on the diet. About 80% on the exercise part. Two more days until my first weight in. I'm looking forward to it.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday Fill Ins

2. SUBURBAN best describes my neighborhood.
4. YES, RED LOBSTER ALRIGHT is my favorite place to eat that's close to home.
5. If there's one thing I'd change about my community, it would be STOP SELLING THE FARMS FOR HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS.
6. The thing I miss most about the town (city/area/swamp) I grew up in is SITTING OUT ON A NEW YORK CITY STOOP ON A SUMMER NIGHT WITH ALL THE NEIGHBORS.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to HURRIEDLY CLEANING, tomorrow my plans include WELCOMING KURT AND JEN, LOOKING AT RECEPTION HALLS, MAKING MY COSTUME FOR CATS and Sunday, I want to GET TO THE LIBRARY!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Tagged by someone who knows better but does it anyway

4 things that should go into Room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth.
* Knuckle crackers
* Burkas
* War
* more than 4 people to a house

3 things people do that make you want to shake them violently
* self deprecate (that has NOTHING to do with toilet training)
* not flush (that DOES)
* feel like it's not a good movie unless they put 99 f-words in it per minute

2 things you find yourself moaning about
* Being overweight
* Not having sex (think it's related do ya?)

1 thing the above answers tell you about yourself
* I'm too honest in front of you strangers

5 people who will be annoyed you tagged them
* I unfortunately do not know 5 people who have not been tagged already


OMG what is up with cube noise?

One row behind me to my right is MR. SNORTLES, a young fellow who either: snorts coke, has a bad case of sleep apnea while napping at his desk, or really has atrocious allergies. Each afternoon around 2-ish the whale snorts start, I'm talking from the tips of his toes deep snorting folks. I'm thinking of taping it and putting out a nature CD "Sounds of the Scottish Walrus' Mating".

Across from me on my right and in front of Mr. Snortles is MS. HUMDINGER. A very young girl who hums songs she has no idea have actual melodies. It's a lovely high-pitched glass-etching sound. MS. HUMDINGER's first name is STOMPY. She has an extensive collection of stilleto heels and loves loves loves to STOMP her canal boats on the tile. Sounds like a horde of Mongolian ponies arriving late for dinner.

Somewhere on the other side of the floor lives MR. GUFFAW. I will find where he lives and joy buzzer him to death soon. He waits until its so quiet a nun will fall asleep (oops there goes MR. SNORTLES) and then lets out a single "HAW" loud enough to wake the dead (in Jamaica).

All I'm saying is it's a good thing I'm perfect.

Monday, July 09, 2007

What I did on my summer vacation.

Yay! The Engagement Party was fun. We had a great time and poor Jenn had to endure the "meeting of the family", and she survived!

Here's the happy couple, Kurt and Jenn

and here's Uncle Jeff, Aunt Ann, ME, Grandma and Aunt Deb:

and here are the cousins, Rich, Tammy, Kaitlin, Ryan and Josh:

cousins, Doug, Luke, Jennifer, Max and Jake

and a gratuitous "kids in the pool" pic so you can see my ghetto hot tub:

Friday, July 06, 2007

fondofsnape's Friday Fill-Ins

1. On a hot summer's day A ROOT BEER FLOAT is my favorite thing!
2. When I think of summertime fun, I think of EXTENDED DAYLIGHT.
3. STRAWBERRY is my favorite flavor of ice cream.
4. My new favorite drink is A SEX IN THE CITY MARTINI.
6. The best place to watch fireworks (or submarine races) is BAKER PARK!
7. What are you doing this weekend? Tonight I'm looking forward to PREP FOR THE PARTY, tomorrow my plans include AN ENGAGEMENT PARTY FOR KURT AND JEN and Sunday, I want to HANG OUT IN MY GHETTO BLOW UP POOL!

Friday, June 29, 2007


So I am sick as a dog on this Chantrix stuff BUT I have quit smoking because of it. Also packing on the poundage as I usually do when I quit. Ugh.

All this wedding talk and its really hitting me, I'm alone. Thank goodness there won't be a church part to the wedding, I would so hate to walk down the aisle alone to be seated. Sit through it all alone. I'm going to dread the picture part, standing by myself with the kids for the family picture. Trying to pay for stuff. Trying to make the right decisions on stuff. Alone sucks. I was a duo for 33 years, this just isn't right. But, I'm thinking fireworks at the engagement party, they're legal where I live, lol, maybe that will liven shit up.

It's been this many jobs since I haven't been hired: 3.

The poison ivy has started to clear up thank goodness!

I'm sooooooooooo bored. Janet do NOT say it. "Only boring people get bored". Yeah I know and yes I'm boring. sigh.

Botox party, my house.

I'm reading a hilarious book: The Clapper. Alternately trying to get through the Suze Orman books which is depressing as all hell so I think it's a good balance.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Robert got his deployment date: November 5th, for 7 months.

Monday, June 18, 2007


I've been tagged by fondofsnape: you're supposed to go to billboards top 100 and pick five songs from the year you turned 18 and write something about them.

1. Half-Breed by Cher (cause Cher and I have the same teeth).
2. Killing Me Softly by Roberta Flack (learned it on the guitar, my first finger picked 8 part strum).
3. Angie by the Rolling Stones (dude, it was the STONES)
4. The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia by Vicki Lawrence (I love a story song).
5. Will It Go Round In Circles by Billy Preston (made you sound soooooooo wise).


Something worth writing about

Got a call Sunday morning from my son Kurt telling me he's engaged. Now I hope they don't mind me using the picture, but they did email it to me right? So please meet my soon to be daughter in law Jen. Isn't she gorgeous? And luckily that smile is always around.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

When One Door Closes

another opens and if it doesn't throw a chair through the window.

So I didn't get the job I interviewed for, it was a very positive debrief though, it just came down to a question of money and they couldn't meet my barest minimum.

Today I have an interview with another headhunter at noon who has a lead on a position for me with more money, yada yada yada.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

Friday: Had a lovely dinner with Barbara after work at her DC apartment, lovely time on the balcony, good food, good crabby old lady conversation, hair down, ailments out, laughed our asses off, laughed at our fat asses. It was nice to have some time to say it all out loud, get it out of our systems and relax. Traffic home was great cause everybody left DC early.

Saturday: strawberry picking with friends, yard work, house work, yard work, made the best tuna cakes and macaroni salad supper. Filled up the dog pool, they had a blast.

Sunday: Did a beautiful hike in the Appalachians with my sister. Then had some quality time with my hammock. Debra took my mom home with her so I had a nice quiet afternoon/evening. Made Chinese food, extra for lunches. Watched a horrendous thunderstorm wreck my pool and flood everything.

Monday: After storm cleanup, then took mom shopping for drapery material, made a pair of drapes that I envy. They really came out great.

As for sleeping - it's been hard. Still waiting to hear about the job interview I had.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Interview

So I met with the CFO yesterday at 4:30 and had an hour long interview. I was very proud of the few little tricks I had up my sleeve. First of all, it's a perfect fit, exactly what I do now but in a different field. Software development, so the atmosphere was geek-casual. I had researched the CFO and found out he did a stint at a company my oldest boy worked at for 5 years. Mentioned that, he was impressed (stunned). I also have an oracle programming background, mentioned that, he was surprised to see I could also pass for a geek in the dark. He was lost at one point discussing when he would need me to start so I whipped out a print out of May and June and walked him through the days. We ended with him saying that I was a very strong candidate (after he passed out over my present salary) and that I would hear back on Tuesday. So who knows. C'mon TERRY!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Winds of Change They Are Blowin......

the cobwebs from my brain.

Okay, nasty little bout of depression over and done with. And just in time too, I have a job interview at 4:30 today. Please wish me well and pray to St. Therese ok? It would be so nice to live like a human and not travel 4 hours a day to work. Let's see travel time, total, round trip would be like 20 minutes tops, on a bad day, in the rain, stopping for gas......

But even if this is not the one, I'll be okay with it (no I won't) and will keep trying. Trying is very trying no?

Any day now I will be hearing that my engagement ring has been deployed to a special someone and that wedding bells will be ringing. If i start dieting now maybe I'll lose some poundage by next April? You know that savings account I thought I had? Poof.

Okay people, carry on.

Monday, May 21, 2007

You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


sorry, major large scale depression happening

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Leave It To Mom

to point out exactly where the Jester's b(e)(a)ll is positioned:

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I Woke Up and

I'm effen fiddy two.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

You Are a Ham Sandwich

You are quiet, understated, and a great comfort to all of your friends.

Over time, you have proven yourself as loyal and steadfast.

And you are by no means boring. You do well in any situation - from fancy to laid back.

Your best friend: The Turkey Sandwich

Your mortal enemy: The Grilled Cheese Sandwich

13 Reasons to have Hope!

1. Really guys, the novena. If'n y'all keep me in your thoughts and prayers too then I have NO DOUBT I'll get a new job by June.

2. The dogs are losing weight, ergo, I will lose weight.

3. I was accepted last night for the September coaching mentoring program and told to join PSA asap!

4. At the rink I'm known as "that fun coach".

5. I still have a few bucks in the bank.

6. Dude, I'm going to Disney tomorrow!

7. My nephew will stay at my house while I'm gone so the dogs won't have to go to the kennel.

8. I just feel inspired for no particular reason.

9. I'm a survivor through whatever life tests I've had so far.

10. I'm really a nice and caring person hiding behind a New York state of mind.

11. Can you say 4 days off?!

12. I have real friends who are bloggers, not blogger friends who aren't real.

13. You!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

In Which I Blurt Out Many Things In Random Order

1. Most important, on the last day of May I will spend the last day at this job. Unless of course I get a new one faster. I'm doing a novena to St. Therese the Little Flower (which is who I'm named after for my middle name and I promise to start using it again).

2. Two more days until Disney. Can I just mention here that it's the Happiest fucking place on earth?

3. Cut my hair, short and curly. What a difference!I feel so much better, gonna get my nails done too.

4. Have to thank this I quit/you're fired situation, I no longer feel so damn defined by my work. Kinda of free! Wheeeeeeeeeeee! (Until I go broke of course).

5. I've been really sucky at being a good friend this past month while the tornado was brewing here.

6. I have a headhunter named Lori working on my behalf who is very hopeful that something will break soon. I'm hoping to hear from her on my birthday which is: the last day of the St. Therese novena, the day after I get back from Disney. May 8th.

7. Unfortunately the stress has cause me to fall off the non-smoking wagon but what the hell else is new.

8. Setting up a Labor Day camping trip, want to join us?

9. I'm getting more work as a sub-coach than having my own class, tres weird! But it is fun to get to work with different kids all the time, keep me and them on our toes, so to speak.

10. So all in all, the glass is half full dudes and dudettes.

Friday, April 20, 2007


1. I love a Parade.(you have to be an oldie to remember that one)
2. Cake, bread, carb stuff is my downfall.
3. I went to the gym to lose weight, but I gained!
4. Green is my favorite Color.
5. If I had a hammer I'd hammer in the morning (must be the day for old songs).
6. One of my favorite things to enjoy is walking in the woods.
7. I'm going to do yardwork this weekend!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

New Toy

I bought a video ipod and just downloaded from podcasts:
Ellen DeGeneres Show
Mr. Deity

Any suggestions for other podcast videos?

13 Quirky Phobias

Janet, this is for you (and she'll think up 13 more guaranteed):

1. Men with fat fingers
2. Touching styrofoam peanuts
3. Touching cotton stuffed in aspirin bottles
4. Eating anything that looks like phlegm (oysters, etc.)
5. Eating anything that just basically looks weird
6. Driving manual transmissions - NOT EVER
7. People with unusually big heads
8. Sitting directly on grass
9. Swimming with living things
10. That space between the elevator and the floor when the doors open
11. Freaking if I'm late, even by a minute
12. Mispronunciations by others can make me nuts
13. Cracking your knuckles makes me barf

Monday, April 16, 2007

Catch Up

I think this post will go backwards in time since I haven't written diddlysquat in a while.

Sunday: okay what's this? Why this is my team photo. What are we sporting? Why is that a gold medal? Oh yes it is. I'm the tubby one second in on the bottom left.

I had a great skate for my farewell performance. I've decided not to skate synchro anymore and to concentrate on passing my tests for a mentorship for coaching.

Saturday: Robb came home on leave, they are in port for about 1.5 weeks. So I'll have some company (lawn mowing) for a while.

Let me just inject here that the weather effing SUCKS.

Friday: Got down the summer clothes to go through them for the Disney trip. UGH, most of those suckers are going into the giveaway bag.

I did make it to the gym twice last week and did a good sweaty workout. Also met with a headhunter on Thursday for a nice lunch at Legal Seafood. I'm optimistic, but it can a long process until I find the "cherry" job. Wish me luck.

Friday, April 13, 2007


1. When I need inspiration I read, read, read!
2. Being by myself is my favorite way to recharge my batteries.
3. I never get sick of pizza.
4. One of my fondest memories is any Christmas when the boys were small.
5. Robert always makes me laugh.
6. I am handy, smart and diplomatic!
7. This weekend, I'm looking forward to my last competition of this season which was way too long.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

13 Things About Me and Dead Folks

1. After my sister died I started "hearing" other peoples dead mothers.
2. Yes I could be absolutely crazy and not really hearing them, but apparently when I relay it, it fits.
3. Thank goodness the only people I've relayed messages too were accepting and friends.
4. Most of the time they are telling me what to do when they visit.
5. I would love to "hear" from my husband and my sister.
6. I keep one seat in my car free of junk in case someone wants a ride.
7. I think I need to learn Morse code cause the lamp in the second bedroom sometimes goes batshit with blinking and it's not a pattern.
8. Chief the big brown dog always lays on the other side of the bed but on rare occassions he's on my side and refuses move to the other one, and he's a pretty obedient guy. I think it's Dan in the bed.
9. My best reception is in my car.
10. I haven't heard from anyone in a while that I "know".
11. Sometimes they try to get visible, scary ass shit.
12. No, I refuse to try and channel them, I'm a chicken.
13. Oh, and they like to eff up the radio.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


So ze snape and I are playing hookey and having us some big fun. Like the devout heathens we are, we are spending Good Friday driving to Reading Pennsylvania to see the US World Skate (see teeny pic above). She's gonna get her some Johnny "Weird" and I'll get my fill of Belben and Agosto. It's gonna rock. Then depending on my Marriott points, we may or may not stay. Saturday it's off to DC to the Tidal Basin for the photographer among us to take a zillion photos of the Cherry Blossoms. Can't wait! (Of course my laundry is overflowing, my house is a wreck, the dogs are shedding the winter coats, all in all the perfect time for company no?).

Friday, March 30, 2007

1. I love my ... younguns!
2. Looking in the mirror, I see ... an old lady, when did that happen?!
3. The best thing that happened to me this week was .... some hugs from my skating students.
4. Eating... is one of my favorite things to do!
5. I always have a good time .... with fondofsnape on vacation.
6. I'm looking for trash bags to clean the yards... this weekend.
7. "Oh, I'm bein' followed by a ... big fat ass".

Thursday, March 29, 2007

13 crafts in my closet:

1. Crocheted antebellum doll dress (3/4 done) lost the directions.
2. Brown sweater started at the beach this summer (ripped out twice and still wrong).
3. Secret present (thinking of a better way to do it)
4. Chinese silk soakers for my blades (have all the stuff, haven’t touched it)
5. Glass bead necklace in amber and orange tones (used up the wire trying to crochet chain mail, long story, need more wire)
6. ¾ of a crocheted pink baby dress with white fur trim
7. ¼ of her scarf
8. 1 ½ socks
9. Ancient crewel-work Christmas skirt I started in 1977 I only have one more panel to go
10. Acrylic and oil paintings
11. ½ a blouse sewn
12. Material for a spring coat
13. There’s more but I’m disgusted with my short attention span!

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Weekend Wrapup

Friday - worked until 8pm oh yippee zippee doo dah. Brought work home, worked on the train home, worked on the train back this morning. Luckily forgot to bring the work with me to NY.

Saturday - left for NYC at 8:30, got to Kurt's house (after waiting 1 hour to get through the frickin Holland Tunnel and lower Manhattan) at 12:45. not so bad. We had lunch around the corner from his house at a lovely Japanese place. Had chicken teriyaki which was wonderful, they had that raw crap. Then back to the apartment to rest while they borrowed the car and ferryed stuff from the studio to storage. They raised the studio rent something ridiculous so he shut it down and will work from home exclusively. Luckily it's a 2 bedroom apartment. We never did get to the Fulton Fish market so back into the car to Manhattan to the Whole Foods to shop for our dinner. We made the infamous Lobster Bisque and Stuffed Clams from Dan's recipe. It was close but not his. We figured it was lacking the Jim Beam, beer and cigarette essence of the original chef. Had great Dancentric conversations then brilliant boy decides I need cheering up so we watched (cringed, hid through, and got sick over) Jackass 2. All I could think of was how easily that could have been brilliant boy up there on the screen. Off to bed.

Sunday - Dunkin Donuts coffee and donuts. I just love the fact you can walk to the corner and get anything you want. Then I cleaned the damn kitchen. Then we walked around the neighborhood picking up household odds and ends, like a butter dish and sugar bowl and lightbulbs. Saw the most awesome drugstore, it was in a renovated club, it had a disco ball on the ceiling!!!! Only in NY, I tell ya. Then back to lower Manhattan for a lunch date with an old gf of Kurt's who was leaving to go back to Hamburg. We had a great time at Katz's Deli. Got fondof a pic of Johnny Depp (too bad it was on my blurry camera phone). Then off to Far Rockaway to Beach 73 street where we remembered Dan and give him a sea gift of tobacco and rosemary. Dropped Kurt off back home and home for me by 8:45pm. Whew.

This is Dan's final resting place.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Is it just me or are there times when certain people walk by in the office and their good morning leaves behind the distinct ring of "good morning, oh and Rosa I'm afraid poor Fletcher left you a little doggie muffin under the piano".

1. Don't you hate it when ... the dogs are in a very needy mood at night!
2. The best compliment I ever got was ... yesterday, a trainer thought I was in my 40s!
3. Why am I ... such a bad catch at ...eharmony!
4. The brain ... fascinates me.
5. This weekend I plan to .... drive up to NYC to share a memorial weekend with Kurt.
6. Smoking ... is one of my worst habits.
7. "From the ashes a fire shall be woken, a light from the shadows ...will probably scare the crap outta me".

Thursday, March 22, 2007

13 Things About Dan

Since this coming Sunday the 25th will mark the first anniversary of Dan's passing I thought this might be fitting:

1. He was a Vietnam Vet - 1966 - 1969
2. He was a New York City cop 1969 - 1983 73rd Precinct
3. He was one of five boys, all named with a D
4. He loved his sons more than they knew
5. He was a great lover, not the best at friend though
6. The boy could dance
7. He always supported me financially
8. OMG did he hate being sick
9. He helped people I never even knew about
10. He loved the movie tough guys: John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, etc.
11. He loved Law and Order in all its incarnations
12. He was the fancy schmancy cook in our family
13. He loved Christmas even though it was also his birthday

miss you deeg

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ode to Butter

There's a young woman
down the hill on a tire swing
her blonde hair is waving hello
with every wind blown pass

Her waspish waist, tied with a sash
flows out behind her
she is the picture of a southern lazy summer day.

She will never know
the same absolute orgasmic wonders as I
the one who watches her
slathering mounds of butter on my everything bagel

eff her the little twit

Friday, March 16, 2007

1. This week has been, cold ; I'm glad it's almost spring!
2. No more ... doughnuts!
3. I am SO ready for ...Disney!
4. I'm sure after ...that last weird dream, I was happy to see ....that the blob at the foot of my bed was only Chiefly dog.
5. Courtesy of Michelle: I think I really stink at ....percentages.
6. A horse is a horse.., of course!
7. Be ...afraid, be ...very afraid, have a ...smiley face sticker!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

13 Things I Love and Hate About Spring.

1. It reached 82 yesterday. Felt so good to be warm.
2. My bulbs are all inching up out of the ground.
3. The magnolia tree is about to burst any day.
4. I have little petey pot flowers starting on the window.
5. The air smells like wet dirt, kind of good you know?
6. 50 days until Disney.
7. Open windows at night.
8. The damn geese are back honking.
9. The frickin mourning doves are who whooing..
10. Yard work, yuck.
11. Traffic moves faster at night cause its light out.
12. Everything moves faster in the springtime, even me.
13. Skating season will come to an end, yay cause I'm tired.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Just A Wednesday

Boy News:

Son #1 - is leaving to do shows in Denver and Salt Lake City, wish him well.

Son #2 - is taking his first Navy exam for Petty Officer on Thursday, well wishes for him also please.

Use your imagination:

I really did have a What Is It Wednesday idea but as usual I didn't take the picture so it's kind of like this so far, and it will progress weekly:


oh and did I mention it's gonna be 75 degrees!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 09, 2007

1. Fridays are ....filled with the anticipation of sleeping in tomorrow morning.
2. It was a dark and stormy night; ....and I smell wet dog.
3. I was dancing in the moonlight... and then I hit a parked car, causing the alarm to go off!
4. If wishes were, then I'd ....(edited for content).
5. Do you get ....US News and World Report? Me neither.
6. Where in the world are ... my frickin sunglasses?
7. This weekend, I hope to ... paint the closet doors!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

13 Things About the Bedroom I'm Building

1. The colors: aqua, brown, gold, cream.
2. The sheers on the window are: brown, gold, cream stripes.
3. The drapes are picture #1 and lined with off white.

4. The bedspread is:

5. The dresser is gone!
6. I put in floor to ceiling cabinetry on each side of the bed.
7. I installed a straight canopy from one cabinet to the other over the bed.
8. I installed a microbeam light in the middle of the canopy for reading with a side of the cabinet mounted dimmer switch.
9. Bought some beautiful dark square baskets for the shelf spaces on the cabinets.
10. Color for the closet doors will match the cabinets. Nice departure from white.
11. The walls are aqua.
12. I'm thinking of a cornice over the window if I have any bedspread material left.
13. Did I mention I'm doing this with my own two paws?

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Because of You

How bad is it when Kelly Clarkson can sum up 33 years of your life?

I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will let myself cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did, you fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

Because of you I never stray to far from the side walk
Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you I am afraid

I lose my way
And its not too long before you point it out
I can not cry because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh, every day of my life

My heart can't possibly break when it wasn't even whole to start with

Because of you I never stray to far from the side walk
Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you I am afraid

I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
you should have known better then to lean on me
you never thought of anyone else you just saw your pain
and now I cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing

Because of you I am afraid
Because of you I never stray to far from the side walk
Because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you I'm ashamed of my life because its empty
Because of you I am afraid
Because of you

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Weekend Wrap Up

Got a haircut, oh oh oh, I brought a picture, I made mime movements to indicate how short to go. Still, not short enough, even after I asked to twice to redo it, so I cut it some more when I got home. Still not short enough. Ugh.

Up early and on the road. Drove to Norfolk Naval Station and met up with my birthday boy. He took me to his house, the Harry S Truman aircraft carrier. OMG that thing is HUGE. I got to see the hangar bays where the planes go, it's amazing, it's like trying to figure out how the new baby in your arms ever fit in your belly, when you try and imagine 80 airplanes in it. Then saw his workstation and met his Chief. Then a quick tour of various hallways when even with my 5'3" shortness I had to duck through access hatches and scrunch down stair ladder things. How the hell a 6 footer does it is amazing. Then outside to the scary side of the ship stair thingie to go up to the flight deck where it was just a trifle WINDY. Heart in mouth time but all of it amazing. Did I mention it was 73 degrees!

then off to the NEX (the Navy Exchange) where I got the coolest sneakers, tax free! Then lunch then to the hotel which was sweet. Then to the mall to get Robb his birthday present. Quick nap then off to dinner. We were so tired we ordered a movie in the room, saw Happy Feet. I dunno, but when you're tired and overfed everything is hilarious.

Said goodbye to Robb then took a very very beautiful scenic drive up the Eastern shore from Virginia to Maryland to my skating competition in Easton. It was fun, we were our usual terrible selves and went home with a gold medal. Don't be impressed, it was because it was more of an exhibition than a competition, we were the only team in our section thanks to creative scheduling.

Then home and dinner and bath and bed. Sigh.

Friday, March 02, 2007

1. Once, when I .... was a teenager I barfed all over a brand new 'Vette, haven't overindulged the grape since.
2. Lately, it seems that .... time flies even faster.
3. Lobster ass ... is so damn good!
4. Here's something you never knew about me; I ....stutter.
5. I am so ready for ....adventure.
6. If you put together ...vinegar and baking soda and pour it down the sink, you'd have ...a garbage disposal volcano!
7. My plans for the weekend include ... driving down to Norfolk to see Robb and his ship and then skating the ISI Annapolis competition on Sunday!

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Happy Happy Birthday to Robb. Also known as, my Bubbles, fondofsnape's future husband, my youngest son, our sailor boy, Robert Daniel baby. He's 26 years old today and unfortunately is celebrating alone, on the aircraft carrier Harry S Truman. So Happy B-Day old salt.

13 Things I Do Each Day

1. Get up at 5 !@#$#% am.
2. Retrieve #2 dog, mix with #1 dog, watch their morning make out session and feed them.
3. Shower
5. Find out what the hell haven't I worn this week and slap it on.
6. Get briefcase (full of work I was really really really gonna do last night).
7. Repack the skate bag
8. Drive 270 which is just oh so wonderful
9. Feed the fish who lives on my desk
10. Read the blogs.
11. Open the old dreaded email.
13. Oh, and then work just a wee bit.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Doctor Day

So today at 3:45pm cross your eyes, fingers, and whatever you own that's flexible. I go in for my BP recheck and I've kind of done the to-do list from the doc:

1. Taking my meds - check
2. Exercise - I'm counting the g-d snow shoveling ok?
3. Go to grief counseling - made it to a support group meeting Monday night, or as I like to call it "Wild World O'Drama".
4. Wearing my smoke patches
5. Haven't shaved my head yet from the crazies! (Friday at 7pm will be the great shearing).
6. Let's not discuss the weight thing.

Friday, February 23, 2007

FRIDAY FILLINS from fondofsnape

1. I love going to .... Red Lobster
2. Do you think it hurts when a .... Mastiff mates a chichuahua
3. Evergreens... is one of my favorite decorations.
4. My collection of ...skating decorations from friends and family ... is important to me.
5. How many ...years ... does it take til ... I get rich.
6. Up, up and away in my beautiful ... blue Matrix.
7. I am SO looking forward to ... sleeping in ... this weekend!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

13 Things You Should Know About New York City

1. I was born, raised and spent my first 28 years in NYC.
2. It's true, the city never sleeps.
3. You can go shopping at 11pm.
4. Pizza, can't get it anywhere else.
5. Dirty hot dogs on the corner are the best.
6. Yes, the people are friendly.
7. Neighborhoods are tight.
8. You don't need a car.
9. People talk to each other on the trains.
10. Diversity, never knew I was "ethnic" till I left.
11. I'd go back in a heartbeat.
12. The Bronx rules, and you always use the "The".
13. Go Mets.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

God Is Peeing His Pants

Sooooooooo, I needed to go over a few areas of improvement with one of the admin staff last week who got waaaaaaaaaay over defensive about it, but that's a whole 'nother story. Today I stopped by her desk to talk about her workload and she ducks me by praying over her cut up piece of fruit. Your opinion? Mine is she's abusing the God excuse.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Friday Fill Ins from ze

1. In the evening .... I turn into a nice big vegetable.
2. I don't know what it is I like about you but.... it's making me hot.
3. So a house elf shows up in my bedroom .... and I hand him a screwdriver.
4. Well, it's been ten years and maybe more since I first .... met ze snapewoman.
5. So I'm packing my bags for .... Disney.
6. Many times I've gazed along ... 270 and barfed.
7. Leaves are falling all around, It's time I was.... in Salem.

Confessions of a Ho-Hum Life

So for the last two weeks I:

1 - Had a nervous breakdown/had a two week laz-about at home rest
2 - Started redoing my bedroom/could cause another nervous breakdown
3 - Had a visit from Robb/had to sleep 2 nights on the couch cause my bedroom was a total disaster
4 - Made a great sauce and meatballs/ate way too much
5 - Watched my bp come down from 250/150 to a high normal
6 - Stopped working at the rink for a paltry $80 every two weeks
7 - Shoveled about an acre of ice
8 - Oh, did I mention got dumped for the third time after a blind date?
9 - Had my taxes done/going to Disney for the last big spend of my life.
10- Watched eharmony match me up with a 46 yr old who looks like Scott Hamilton. Let's see what happens with that doozy.
11- Got a cute and touching ecard for V-day/never started her scarf I promised though. aargh.
12- Started taking the Lex, so far so good I think.
13- Have worn makeup to work 2 days in a row, they say I look well rested.
14- Calling off a job interview I had for next Monday since it won't pay well at all.
15- Will ask to go back to a 4 day week here at the ranch.
16- Can I be you next?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

#4 Slated for Tomorrow

Trying to stick to my to do list, I made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow to work on several things:

1. BP meds
2. Redo the bloodwork for my thyroid
3. Tell her I quit dating Zac and see if she'll fix me up with Lex.

As bad as I feel I still look damn good (better)(not dead) wearing my new make up.

Monday, January 29, 2007


Living up to our motto, Frederick Flair once again did not come in last. As a matter of fact we came in the Top Ten in the East. Alright, alright, so there were only 11 teams and we were #10. But hey, it just sounds better the other way right?

The weekend was great if not effing FREEZING. Had a great team roommate, her workaholism puts me to shame! Thanks Sharon for making me look so laid back. We had a great clean skate, you couldn’t ask for more.

Janet drove down and chauffered my ass around, took me malling – we had to get our traditional walk in – and made be buy girlie stuff. I am now the proud owner of makeup. Yeah yeah I know. I’m even wearing it to my totally glamorous (NOT) job right now. Then she did said makeup for me before the performance. Thankee Spankee.

Then we met up Deb & Laura and had a wonderful dinner Saturday night. Sunday it was off to Foxwood Casino where I promptly blew whatever money I owned. Lost big time. Even though I rubbed, pounded and almost busted Janet’s head for luck. But we all had a great visit ending with promises to spend Cherry Blossom Time in DC for our next gathering.

But even losing large amount of cash beat having to stay at that damned (literally) hotel another night. Nuff said.

So back home to find Chief had been indulging in his favorite outdoor habit, rolling in slime/sh*t. Had a blast washing down the big bear through bleary eyes that should have been sleeping. Good dog. Bah. Anyone want a bear rug?

St. Chloe was her usual darling self. (Meaning: I haven’t found yet what damage she’s caused).

Okay, work today, back to dullsville.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Thirteen Things about Skating
1. I love the friends I've made.
2. I love my friends outside of skating enjoy it with me and support me.
3. I get to go places, ok,ok,ok, so Providence isn't all that exciting but it's close to my friend.
4. I finally sprang for it and got custom skates which are great.
5. I'm not naturally talented but it fulfills my need to challenge myself (trust me, I look very challenged out there, lol)
6. I am lucky enough to be able to teach both young kids and adults to skate, they're so much fun.
7. The costumes are definitely not cool though, they're downright COLD.
8. Speaking of cold, it covers up the hot flashes wonderfully.
9. Nonskaters are so easily impressed, lol.
10. The bling is cool when you win.
11. Overnights on travel are like a giant pajama party.
12. Everyone overeats afterwards, I can hide in the crowd.
13. It's not work.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Color Quiz

Free personality analysis of M.E..Generated on Tue Jan 23 12:56:39 2007.

M.E.'s Existing Situation
Insecure. Seeks roots, stability, emotional security, and an environment providing greater ease and fewer problems, but is either unwilling or unable to exert the effort. oh lawdy that's me
M.E.'s Stress Sources
An existing situation is unsatisfactory but she feels unable to change it without cooperation; the need for understanding, for affectionate give-and-take remains unfulfilled. This not only depresses her but makes her irritable and impatient, producing restlessness and the urge to get away from the situation, either actually or, at least, mentally. Ability to concentrate may suffer. what's your name again?
M.E.'s Restrained Characteristics
Trying to calm down and unwind after a period of over-agitation which has left her listless and devoid of energy. In need of peace and quiet; becomes irritable if this is denied him. Circumstances are such that she feels forced to compromise for the time being if she is to avoid being cut off from affection or from full participation. love meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
M.E.'s Desired Objective
Seeks the determination and elasticity of will necessary to establish herself and to make herself independent despite the difficulties of her situation. Wants to overcome opposition and achieve recognition. bull-headed much?
M.E.'s Actual Problem
Anxiety and restless dissatisfaction, either with circumstances or with unfulfilled emotional requirements, have produced stress. She tries to escape from these by denying their existence, concealing her dissatisfaction behind a proud but illusory claim to self-sufficiency and independence. I'm fine, really
M.E.'s Actual Problem #2
Works to strengthen her position and bolster her self-esteem by examining her own accomplishments (and those of others) with critical appraisal and scientific discrimination. Insists on having things clear-cut and unequivocal. I'll disagree here.

Terrible Tuesdays

Gee everyone has a game for each day of the week. Since I'm the crabbiest kid on the block I thought of Terrible Tuesdays. Name 5 things that ticked you off last week.
1. Never ever use the restroom after a vegetarian.
2. People who never look behind themselves going through a door so it slams in your face.
3. Mom mispronouncing words on purpose I swear.
4. Drivers from Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
5. The scale has not moved one single ounce.

Monday, January 22, 2007


In progress, started with the patches on Saturday.

Weekend Wrap Up

Took a mental health day and filled it with physical pain. See post below.

Taught classes from 9:30-11 then back home to peel the silk long johns off my tattoo, hurt much? Hell yeah! Then installed a new door sweep on the front door, that works beautiful but the doorknob sucks and it kept falling off all weekend providing endless hilarity at the door opener's expense. Kurt and Jen came for a quick visit, awesome pics of Russia. Apparently Kurt has become diva extraordinaire as every radio interview he went to they had a beer on the table waiting for him. I love the pic of his poster too (which I promise to try and get a copy of) where it says "very special guest". He lost weight and gained hair. He now has a full moustache and goatee, very weird. Jen was just as delightful as the first time we met. I hope hope hope this is the one, damn she's funny AND smart AND good looking. Kurt thinks so too. Enough of the vapid arm pieces already. He took us all (Grandma and Aunt Debra included) out to Red Lobster, stop groaning, we love that place, for dinner, then off I ran back to the rink for practice for 1.5 hours, ugh. Then the kids met up with me and we visited Aunt Deb and I tasted Amaretto for the first time. Not too bad but I had a Chambourd and ginger ale which is my grown up Shirley Temple.

All too short a time with the kids (can you call 28 yr olds kids?). Breakfast then some reminiscing time as we went through the last of Dan's things for Kurt to go through. Then off we went to IKEA. I broke my IKEA cherry! What a place, it's HUGE. Bought the kids a kitchen table and chairs, a computer room chair, various kitchen items. We had lunch (not recommended although the meatballs weren't all that bad). Then time to say goodbye as the IKEA was on their way home. Sniffle. We had our first snow, a whopping 1 inch. Keerist, even Lou was bigger than that. It was Chloe's first snow and she just had a ball going in and out all dang night to play in it.

Friday, January 19, 2007

1. and done

Isn't she beautiful? The artist's favorite part was the fiery boobs! My favorite part is her arms, there's a story there about the bands on her arms. I lost an eagle dancer charm that my husband gave me before we were married and we always loved the detail of the wings being held onto the arms by the two bands. Don't you just love me now as a blonde? lol. She's a phoenix rising from the flames. Lots and loads of meaning to it. Just one favor please, ignore the cottage cheese thigh.

Janet's Friday Fill Ins

1. My sons, family, friends and two dogs Chief and Chloe mean the world to me.
2. Books are better than TV anyday.
3. When I shop, it's because I'm filling a void.
4. If I want a snack, I usually reach for peanut butter!
5. The most recent movie I saw, Lady in the Water made me yawn I really thought it was rather childish.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thirteen Things about My Hair
1. It's finally a good length.
2. The color is still wrong.
3. I straighten it daily.
4. It's a curly triangle when I don't.
5. I love hair pieces and wigs.
6. From behind it makes me look younger than I am.
7. I love the way it feels when its cold (weird I know).
8. I get some compliments from people.
9. Hair dressers love it cause they get to charge me extra for cutting thick hair.
10. Oh yeah, it's thick.
11. It's the one thing about me I've always liked.
12. Too bad it defines me in my mind.
13. You thought you were getting a pic? Nah.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

1. on the List

Okay, went to the Skin Deep In Ink tattoo place which is: about 5 blocks from my house, women owned, women run, really nice! They have movies to watch AND they do your nails! I gave my very very very first grade sketch to the artist and she was psyched to do the design! I saw one she drew for her appointment that night and it was fantastic. Sooooooo, she had an opening Friday and Saturday so I took the Saturday at 3 except I forgot Kurt and friend are coming for the weekend so I may have to cough cough call in sick tomorrow. So hey, I followed through on something!

Speaking of Kurt - can't wait to see him and Jen, looking forward to some good eating in the Gluck family I can cook better than you tradition. I know Mom is looking forward to his Pad Thai which is outstanding. Then I hope to take them shopping for a kitchen table and chairs as his Christmas present. Going out to Target tomorrow for some funky black and white serving platters. Why is it always more fun to shop for someone else?

Gotta gotta gotta call the doc.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

And We're Offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff......... (my rocker)

Okay here's the todo list:

1. tattoo
2. this little weight problem
3. back on the non-smoking wagon
4. drugs - I need em
5. backbone - don't got it
6. blog so she gets off my back, lol